I have been on a social media detox since the end of February, yet I am still exposed to what feels like panic around the Coronavirus. I am getting emails from companies and texts from people I know with lots of concerns. There seems to be a lot of fear-mongering going on from the government and the mainstream media. There is so much hype around all of it.
I am meditating daily and sending out thoughts of calm or you can call it praying with a desire to transcend this concerning issue. I don’t want to subscribe to it and feed that energy. Is it real? Sure, but there is no reason to go off the deep end and panic. Thinking in such a panicked way can cause stress and perpetuate fear and lower our defenses. We are in a time when love energy is pulling ahead of the fear and the fear energy wants to survive so things are going to show up in different ways. Let’s keep love in our minds and hearts and keep those vibrations high! It is a good idea to focus on what we want, not what we don’t want. Companies are spreading the reminder of good hand-washing and not coming into contact with too many others. What do we know? Not much because this is very new. Evidence is showing that some elderly folks and some people with pre-existing conditions are having trouble fighting this off. Also, there is a theory that people who have had the flu shot may be more susceptible and have a harder time healing from it than those who haven’t had the shot. So maybe it makes sense to share information with an elderly family member or friend. Let’s spread good information and support one another in a positive way rather than it be something to gossip about and be in victim mode over. I think the first thing is to keep calm and not panic. Companies are taking precautions but that is just what it is, taking precautions. It doesn’t mean all is doomed. I offer a couple of examples of people saying the same thing. In this linked piece a woman who has had the virus tells us that it’s not as bad as all the hype portrays and shares her experience with us. Also, one of my favorite independent journalists, Richard Grove interviews his naturopathic doctor in the linked episode of his show “Autonomy” to talk about what we can do to help ourselves. Dr. Frank Aieta hits home the fact that he is directing his points at the beginning of the show to the worst-case scenario. There seems to be terrific information here and perhaps information that you are not hearing in the mainstream. We are all in this together and having a positive and logical, rather than an emotional response to things seems to make sense to me. I share this all as a reminder and encouragement that we get to choose our reaction. I adore the strength that exudes from this passage of the book I am consumed with at present, which reads “How will I be able to climb it? Have I enough strength? Then I realized that my doubts are weakening me, paralyzing me. But doubt is a thought! So I must conquer my thoughts in order to master doubt.” –Initiation, Elisabeth Haich. We can practice the same with all thoughts, especially fear. Let’s dig deep and not let this thing paralyze us. We are stronger than we can ever imagine.